I'm Giving You A Night Call
Give Me More
Let's Be Friends
This Bliss Welcome You to ‘Retroshade’
Back in January, This Bliss sent the world a “Friend” request. But the Boston electronic-pop duo’s flashy new single wasn’t so much a warm embrace as it was a call-out of all the alleged “friends” who aren’t who they say they are. With its influencing styles that range from electro to funk to R&B to freestyle, it was the perfect set-up for This Bliss’ new album, Retroshade, due March 5 via Mint 400 Records.
This Bliss Send You A ‘Friend’ Request
Forensically Restyled
Video Premier: You Got Lucky (Tom Petty Cover)
Video Premier: Talk Talk Talk
Booking Tips for Musicians that Actually Work
Save the Date!
Ready to Rumble!
Hey everyone! We’re excited to announce we will be participating in 2019’s Rock and Roll Rumble! This is such a great opportunity for us and we can’t wait to play with such a great group of musicians!
Check us out here: http://www.rockandrollrumble.com/thisbliss/
And grab tickets for our preliminary round night APRIL 4th here: https://www.ticketfly.com/purchase/event/1839329
Want to know more about Boston’s iconic event? Check out the Wikipedia page!
Hitting the Road for a Rock Opera in New Orleans
The Virtual Krewe of Vaporwave, with a big assist from the Arts Council of New Orleans, presents OEDIPUS MAX: A Vaporwave Rock Opera in the Piazza D’Italia on Friday, February 22nd.
It’s a ball… it’s an opera… it’s a party… it’s all of the things. Every single one of the things is what this is and you are invited!
Join us and the pseudo-secret artists of Virtual Krewe of Vaporwave as we light up the Piazza D’Italia with our three-act, extremely loud, projection-mapped MASTERPIECE of a Vaporwave Rock Opera, OEDIPUS MAX.
Multiple performance stages. Two cinema projectors. IDK how many other projectors… a lot. A LOT OF PROJECTORS. A 48-screen LED video trailer. Surround sound. A GIANT FACE. Something called a “Laser Libretto.” Conveniently placed trash receptacles. TOTAL IMMERSIVITY.
We’ll be there with the following artists at the DIY-est show in DIY history:
Naughty Palace
Bouffant Bouffant
Giorgio Murderer
This Bliss
Xiao Xiao
High Profile
Leisure Muffin
…and improv troupe Special Features as EXTREMELY RICH PEOPLE who mock your pauper’s lifestyle.
How, pray tell - HOW - will we pack so much entertainment into only 4 hours of party? The answer is: VERY EFFICIENTLY.
Fifth Element
Future-Victorian (?)
People in the Capitol District from the Hunger Games
Bruce Wayne’s Parents (Alive Before Opera)
Bruce Wayne’s Parents (Dead After Opera)
Something Else From an Opera
Something That Looks Great and You Just Say It’s from an Opera Because TBH We Don’t Know All of the Operas and We’re Not Going to Sit There at the Door with a List of Operas.
OR: dress in all white and BE the projection surface.
Tickets are on sale now! $20 via Eventbrite. Walk-up cost is $30. Don’t get caught paying $30 LIKE SOME SORT OF RUBE.
A Star Is Born: New Video Premier!
We are thrilled to announce we’ll be premiering a brand new video tomorrow! Check out our Facebook Page for the latest details!
Studio 52 Spotlight!
In The Spotlight
Read All About It!
Murderous Outcomes & Simmering Passions
An Album Review of ‘Forensic Styles’
Hottest Boston Concerts of the Fall: Joan Baez, Willie Nelson and This Bliss!
Our September 15 album release show makes the list of the Boston Herald's concert picks for fall! We are in great company, and we tip our hats to Jed Gottlieb for the excellent shoutout! Tickets can be purchased HERE - get 'em while you can!
Album Release Tickets Available Now!
Tickets are now available for our album release show on September 15! Click HERE.
Impose Magazine Premiers 'Believe' Video
Impose Magazine premiers our new video for the 'Believe' single. Head on over to their site for the exclusive!